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Kiki Kirby
If You Say “Yes” To Any Of These Statements Then You’re Ready For This…
If you say “yes” to any of these statements then you’re ready for this… Do you: Feel overwhelmed day to day in your business? Struggle to...
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Adapt your mindset – 5 tips to take note of
Adapt your mindset – 5 tips to take note of Our world has been turned upside down in one way or another and it’s been tough for us...
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You’ve got 10 minutes a day spare, right?
Especially for positive change. Here’s a special challenge just for you! The 10-minute challenge. What is something you keep saying you...
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Habits to break burnout
How do we break the cycle of burnout? To kick off the blog, here’s a quick quiz: On a scale of 1-10 (1 being zero, 10 being perfect), how...
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What is the point?
If this time has taught us one thing… It’s to be and do what makes us HAPPY! It’s simple., simple, simple. What’s the actual point if...
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How do you plan to get from despair to bliss?
How do you plan to get from despair to bliss? Where are you on that scale right now? Are you happy with that position or did you expect...
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Learning in Lockdown
It is fair to say this time has come with challenges for every single person and business but there have been opportunities for many too,...
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Do you have complete rest?
How often do you take complete rest? From work, chores, workouts, social media? You may quite easily take rest from workouts a few times...
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What makes you happy?
What makes you happy? FREE downloadable PDF inside! In these current times, we need to find things that make us happy in life. The simple...
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FREE PDF to download! What are you grateful for? In times like these I think we’ve been reminded of all the special little things in life...
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Powerful Daily Habits
Recently, I had the honour of doing a virtual event for Zest Global, so I wanted to share with you what I spoke about – an important...
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Celebrate your life achievements!
Your life achievements How often do you take the time to reflect and celebrate how far you have come in life and how many life goals...
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3 things you will benefit from doing today!
3 things you will benefit from doing today! Quarantine is not getting any easier as the days pass. There is still uncertainty and worry....
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Some tips for you if you’re in quarantine!
We hope you are all well and slowly getting used to life in quarantine! At Kiki Kirby Coaching & Consultancy, we wanted to go through...
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Coronavirus: Here’s some support for you all!
The whole world at the moment is full of uncertainty and fear, understandably as we go through this terrible pandemic. The chances of us...
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Your mindset – Fixed or Growth?
Your MINDSET – fixed or growth? What are your biggest aims in life? Do you believe they can be achieved? Firstly, let’s address the...
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Your rollercoaster ride
Do you enjoy going on rollercoaster rides? Or do they make you feel fear and unsteadiness? What about rollercoaster rides in your life,...
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Mindful Health
Be mindful about your health! Your nutrition, your exercise regime, your mental state… Take notice of every bite, every move, every...
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What is DISC profiling and how can it be used in the workplace?
So what is a DISC profile? It is an assessment that centres around four different personality types: Dominant, Inspiring, Supportive...
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