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Essential Things To Watch For When Applying For A New Job

It's easy to get caught up in thinking that every post you apply for is your next dream job. However, you must approach a new employer and role with caution, ensuring that they are as right for you as you are for them. The good news is you can find out the things you should look for when applying for a new job in my post below. Keep reading to find out what they are.

A good company culture

First of all, when looking for a new job you must pick a company that has a positive culture. This doesn't mean that they promote toxic positivity, or that they say they treat everyone like family (trust me they don’t!). Instead, you need to look for signs of emotionally mature leadership, of decent conflict resolution, and whether they encourage feedback from employees or would rather quash it.

It's also vital that you look for a company where working overtime is not held up to the highest standard of dedication. This is because such behaviour will quickly lead to burnout, and signals that leadership do not have a realistic idea of what a good work-life balance should be.

A concern with employee safety

Another thing to watch out for when investigating a possible employer is that they care about employee safety. Indeed, even though employee safety is something that is enshrined in law, some employers only ever do the bare minimum that they need to.

With that in mind, look for positive signs such as regular Fire Awareness Training, and first aid training sessions for all employees rather than the designated few. Also, regular ergonomics checks for those working in an office or factory setting show a dedication to employee safety and health over the long term.

Their values match yours

When looking for a new employer and role it also makes sense to take some time to check the values of the company you are considering. Business values relate to how a company operates, and when these are in line with your own, it can make for a much more pleasant, satisfying and rewarding work environment.

For example, if you are concerned with sustainability and protecting The Environment, working for a company that does not share these goals can put you in a difficult position where you might need to override your values for the sake of your job. However, if you choose an employer that prioritises sustainability and you see this in action, you will gain a greater sense of satisfaction with your role.

Room for advancement and promotion

Last of all, when watching out for things that your new role should have, remember to make sure there is room within the company for advancement and promotion. After all, staying in the same role for a long time can be very frustrating!

Advancement doesn't necessarily mean linear promotion though. It can also mean good training opportunities, good raise opportunities or the chance to mentor or receive mentorship from an expert in your field. All of which can be very valuable to your career over the long run.



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