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Updated: Feb 24, 2021

FREE PDF to download!

What are you grateful for?

In times like these I think we’ve been reminded of all the special little things in life that we are all perhaps guilty of not acknowledging in our normal, busy lives.

This is the perfect opportunity to understand and connect with what’s really important to us – from family to nature to sitting in a coffee shop and travelling.

So, we’ve put together a PDF for you to fill in your the top 10 things you are grateful for.

You can print it off, fill it out and stick somewhere to see daily or write your list in a notebook or journal.

When you are having a challenging day, it’s something you can look back at to hopefully generate some positive emotions and make you feel better.

The list will hopefully help you to put things in perspective when you need to and ground you after an undesirable event, for instance.

It could also remind you to tell those you love that you appreciate them and love them always.

Take this lockdown time to feel gratitude and love, where perhaps in normal daily life it’s not prioritised.

Please tell us if you like the print out and feel free to share this tool with anyone else who may like it!

P.S. We did a gratitude challenge, so here’s the links to all the videos on gratitude to inspire you!

Hope you enjoy!



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